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2Hands Lightbulb

At 2HANDS, we seek to share what's entrusted to us, to connect, to engage /build community togetherness. We enable community livelihood and families among different nations, with products that bring wellness and health maintenance to your being. We offer services that allow re-learning and re-training among the community to help them to step back into marketplace.

Our Vision is to create, to birth, to love, to light up, to build, to empower His creations. We place importance in honouring, in excellence, with commitment and teamwork (esprit de corps) among our partners and customers.

We carry honour in us. Honouring is to give another person the due respect of who he is as a person, to acknowledge that the person is special, unique and beautifully born to live his destiny here on earth and we respect him. We are to honour each other with our words and comply with the terms and conditions of contracts.

We hold excellence in us. Excellence is the value and quality that is learned and carried from within and poured into the services, products and art pieces carried by 2HANDS. People really appreciate it because many testimonies were shared of the quality and result outcome. Excellence in what is entrusted to us; we accomplish it and do it well.

We value commitment to our customers: commitment to place client first and tagged with a listening ear, warm smiles and genuine authenticity. We use product know how approach, to share the products that will most suitably meet the wellness of your body instead of pushing for numbers because your body wellness is our success. We bring the most tastefully, uniquely, exclusive art pieces to you. These are our own local artists who use their hands to create it out and you will fall in love with them. 

2HANDS Pte Ltd Introduction Part 1: Why 2Hands?

2HANDS Pte Ltd Introduction Part2: Our vision, values and modus operandi.