Wellness is a personal active pursuit and desire (with intention towards best of health). It is not about an external force of influence pushing you to healthy lifestyle, it is a commitment that is self-generated within. 

So it is our responsibility, choices and behaviours to cultivate lifestyles to maximize our vitality and quality of life. It is necessary for us to adopt self-care and improve our health towards longevity. Our body is daily communicating with us although we may not identify it's signaling. Our body is significantly influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments in which we live and other dimensions such as spiritual, financial and emotional. 

I was infected with Omicron virus in March 2022. After day 10, I started having a persistent dry cough. A friend introduced FitLine Optimal Set nutrients product to me. I decided to try because they are contents of many vegetables and fruits. Two weeks after I started to consume FitLine Optimal Set nutrients product (includes Fitline Activize Oxyplus, FitLine Basic and FitLine Restorate) my cough stopped completely. The products are NTC® patented, meaning it delivers the nutrients to exactly when they are needed in our body’s organs and to our cellular level, from inside and to outside. NTC® supports optimum nutrient intake. I believed that with this technology my body was able to recover to wellness faster and my cough stopped completely.  

You may be curious how this drink taste. The FitLine Activize Oxyplus and FitLine Basics after mixing with water is pleasant with fruity taste. While FitLine Restorate tastes like orangy fizzy drink. It is very drinkable and tasty, so easily acceptable to any first timer.

We always say Health is a great gift, contentment is the greatest wealth. But I would say wholesome wellness is our greatest wealth. Make every effort to have wholesome wellness.

Have a blissful health and wellness!


Ellen Ng




  • Fitline is recognized worldwide as the leading brand of nutritional products due to unique and exclusive NTC® and microSolve® technologies used in manufacturing process. 
  • Fitline products are unique extremely efficient, are safe and doping free.
  • All products are manufactured in Germany according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), which is pharmaceutical standard. Purity and quality are constantly monitored by nutritional experts and biologist in the PM-International Scientific Advisory Board.
  • They are tested by TÜV-SUD ELAB and Halal Certificate.