Tadah! 08 Jun 2020 is the Official Launch of 2HANDS.VIP website.Yay! i have been waiting for this day to arrive and it did!

I want to appreciate and give thanks to the dedicated team in Agate SC Pte Ltd for editing the artwork and design of website page, e-commerce platform, backend coding and all security checks and certification. Thank you for your professionalism and great working with you.

As I was waiting for the website to be up, I became anxious and impatient because weeks have passed but still.. But surprises visited me..
New source of products flowing in. I mean these uniquely handmade products were introduced to 2HANDS and these are really elegant beautiful gorgeous items! Is exclusive! Only on this e-commerce platform you can find it.

Patience is a virtue, is a powerful skill, as precious as gold. Everything has its best right timing and often you simply can't rush for things to happen the way you want it to be. So do not be anxious about anything but in everything present it out in open hands, and with a posture of thanks giving and wait. Before you know it, it began to form and you see it settling and in place.

Join the membership and explore 2HANDS store!
More exciting things to share with all of you in the coming days!